Get Involved

Welcome to Abbey Grange Academy’s Parent Groups!

The Academy has active groups of parents involved in supporting its Christian ethos to educate, nurture and empower our children within the Academy.

Everyone has different skills that can be used to support students at the Academy. So we would love you to get involved in one of the Parent Groups. The information below is designed to give you a flavour of what we do and how you can contribute.

Further information about our groups, minutes of meetings and recent successes, please see the appropriate menu under the Parent Involvement section and on our Academy noticeboard (Ground Floor corridor, main building).

If you are interested in joining one of our groups, please contact the Academy by the following:
Email: - F.A.O. the group you may be interested in:
Telephone: 0113 2757877

You can also find us at the refreshment stall on parents’ evenings, so please come to have a chat. We look forward to meeting you!

PTA (Parent Teacher Association)

As a parent or carer of a student at Abbey Grange, you are automatically a member of the PTA.

Joining in with PTA activities is a great way of supporting the Academy and your child, whilst making new friends with other parents.

Committee Members

  • Chairperson - Helen Leatham
  • Treasurer - Catherine Gleisner
  • Secretary - Tracy Wood
  • Uniform Co-ordinator - Vacant
  • Winter Fair Co-ordinator - Vacant
  • 100 Club Organiser - Tracy Wood
  • Raffle Organiser - Vacant    
  • School Representatives - Tracy Wood and Peter Golding

As part of our activities we raise funds to provide ‘extras’ which enrich the life of the Academy and which would otherwise be beyond the reach of the school budget. For example, providing prizes for an award, supporting Academy trips, or contributing towards improvements of the buildings and grounds.

Use your creative skills in a practical way by getting involved in events such as the Winter Fair, Spring Raffle, and serving refreshments at Parents’ Evenings. We also sell second hand uniforms prior to each PTA meeting.

Come along to our meetings to share your ideas and help plan some amazing future fund-raising events. Meetings are held monthly during term time. You will find details on the school calendar and a general reminder is e-mailed to parents a week prior to meetings. If you would like to be added to our emailing list, please contact the school office with your email address.

Easy Fundraising

This website allows big companies to donate to charity when you shop with them online. You can find us there under Abbey Grange PTA, and naming us as your cause means that we receive donations at no cost to you. Thank you very much for supporting Abbey Grange PTA.

The PTA 100 Club

100 Club members have a chance to win £50 in our monthly draw. There are 100 numbers in the draw and the cost is £10 for a year's membership. Please login to Parentpay to purchase your 100 club number. Your number will be emailed to you via school. Draws take place at monthly meetings  


The PTA runs a refreshments stall at Parent Consultation Meetings and Open Evenings to provide tea, coffee and soft drinks for students, their families and the teaching staff.

To make this possible we need lots of volunteers. We work in small, friendly teams and it's a good way to get to know people. If you would like to help selling refreshments, please leave a message for the PTA, with your contact details and email address with the school office.


We always need pre-worn uniform donations, winter fair donations such as teddies/toys/books/games/toiletries/cakes and buns. Please give these to the school office. Thank you

Annual General Meeting

If you would like to apply for a PTA Post, please come to our Annual General Meeting.

PTA Posts - Roles and Responsibilities

  • Chair – Main contact/link for school, PTA members and parents. Chair meetings, sends out minutes and agenda, liaises with digital services to add items to PTA website, speak at open evenings as required, send out reminders to parents via school, writing letters to licencing board, planning PTA dates for the year, signatory for cheques.
  • Vice Chair – assist chair and stand in where necessary at meetings.
  • Treasurer – Raising/banking cheques, cash reconciliation, prepare cash floats, general overview of funds and able to offer advice to Chair and PTA members at meeting when funding requests are received.
  • Minutes Secretary – Take minutes at meetings, forward to the Chair for checking, prepare agenda jointly with Chair, bring paper copies to minutes and agendas to meetings.
  • Uniform Coordinator – coordinate collection, storage and selling of pre-worn uniform before meetings, pre-planned evenings at school and at the winter fair. Disposal of unsaleable items.
  • Catering Coordinator – providing refreshments at parent’s evenings. Setting up of a rota, monitoring and replenishing of stock, liaising with helpers via email or phone.
  • Winter Fair Coordinator- planning of winter fair(themes, stalls, collection of items, advertising, liaising with school, music department (school band) and catering, producing programme.
  • Silent Auction Coordinator – Contacting companies to request donations, liaising with school to advertise auction and make it go live before the winter fair. Run the auction on line on the day. Give out prizes.
  • Raffle Organiser – organising/planning Winter and Spring raffles, themes, dates. Liaise with school finance and admin office re ticket sales via ParentPay and information to parents/carers. Contact Leeds City Council for small lottery licence.
  • 100 Club Coordinator – liaise with school finance office and admin re setting up each year; plan drawing of winners at PTA meetings and school winter fair. Liaising with treasurer re payment.

If you wish to apply for one, please come to our AGM.

Dates for your 2023/24 diary

PTA Meeting – 6:30pm – 7:30pm.  Meeting held at Abbey Grange  

Monday 13 November 2023

PTA Members Christmas Social - Friday 8 December 2023

PTA Winter Fair - Saturday 9 December 2023, 12:30pm – 2:230pm Volunteers wanted!

Monday 15 January 2024

Monday 19 January 2024

Monday 11 March 2024

Monday 22 April 2024

Monday 13 May 2024

Monday 10 June 2024

Parent Council

What is the Parent Council?

The Parent Council is a body of volunteer parents who meet with school senior leadership at least once every half term.  The purpose of parent council is to represent the parent and carer community of Abbey Grange, offering advice, praise and suggestions.  The Parent Council acts as a sounding board, listening to new ideas from the school, offering friendly and constructive advice and suggestions based on their own experiences of having children at Abbey Grange.

How can I contact the Parent Council?

Parent Council is contactable via the email address

You can contact parent council to offer any suggestions of areas for discussion, for example school communication, rewards, transitions, options, changes to the school systems and anything else which may be helpful to discuss to continually improve the school.  

For specific individual concerns Parent Council would not be the right forum, and these can be raised through the usual channels in school such as the Year Managers.

How to I join the Parent Council?

If you are interested in joining the Parent Council please send a message to, and someone will get in contact with you.

Please see also the link to the  parent council constitution below to learn more.

Praying Parents

We really believe that prayer makes a difference – not just in bringing God into our plans, but in us seeking to find out how he wants to shape our lives and our school.

A group of parents meets in the school chapel once a month to pray for all aspects of Abbey Grange Academy:  the children - their activities and exams, the staff and the many pressures on them, for families and for funding.

And it is not just parents – we are a partnership because we want teachers, governors, cleaners and office staff to pray with us and be supported in prayer. So we have an evening meeting once a term, enabling more people to attend.

Anyone is welcome to join us. If you would like to receive our prayer bulletin, or if there is something you would like us to pray for, do get in touch. We ask that everyone respect the need for confidentiality.

‘Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and thanksgiving, present your requests to God.’
Philippians 4: 6