Religious Studies

Key Stage 3

In Religious Studies, we aim to:

  • Understand the main beliefs and practices within faiths represented in Leeds.
  • Develop and express opinion about philosophical and theological issues within the modern world.
  • Apply, explain and demonstrate how religious beliefs have had impact on the ways in which modern believers experience the world.
  • Explore and debate contemporary moral issues in order to be able to reflect upon a variety of faith responses.
  • To show mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.
  • Develop a willingness to engage in discussion and debate with people with differing world views and perspectives.
  • Be able to analyse, interpret and apply a variety of sacred texts to core elements of faith and belief.
  • Develop a sense of responsibility through the completion of KS3 Archbishop of York Award in school.
  • Encourage students to reflect on their experiences through a broad curriculum incorporating the AYLA.

We aim to develop conscientious and tolerant citizens through actively engaging in learning about the impact that faith would have on a religious believer in the UK. This will enable our students to be self-reflective and tolerant members of their communities. They will be equipped to be able to think critically and express themselves and their views appropriately to help prepare them to live in a diverse society.

Useful resources:

  • The Bible Project: online animated explanations of key biblical terminology and biblical beliefs.
  • True tube has really clear and informative videos about lots of the topics we study at KS3
  • RE:Quest – is useful for information, clips and personal testimony about a wide variety of Christian beliefs and practices.

Key Stage 4

In Religious Studies, we aim to:

  • Understand the main beliefs and practices within Christianity and Islam.
  • Develop and express opinion about ethical issues within the modern world.
  • Apply and explain how religious beliefs have had impact on the ways in which modern society is shaped.
  • Explore and debate contemporary moral issues in order to be able to reflect upon a variety of faith responses.
  • To show mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith
  • Show a willingness to reflect on their experiences.
  • A willingness to engage in discussion and debate with people with differing world views and perspectives.
  • Be able to analyse, interpret and apply a variety of sacred texts to issues within the modern world
  • Be able to analyse, interpret and apply a variety of sacred texts to core elements of faith and belief

Ultimately, we aim to develop conscientious and tolerant citizens through actively engaging in learning about the historical and cultural development of Christianity and Islam and the ways in which core beliefs and traditions have impact on the ways in which people establish their own moral boundaries within the modern world.  This will enable our students to be self-reflective and tolerant members of their communities. They will be equipped to be able to think critically and express themselves and their views appropriately so they can make a positive contribution to wider society, prepare them for life in a diverse community.

Useful resources:

  • The Bible Project: online animated explanations of key biblical terminology and biblical beliefs.
  • The Bible Project
  • GCSE Pod – Excellent Revision materials:
  • Revision World – range of revision materials and ideas
  • Exam board: AQA Religious Studies A.  Option 3 (Paper 1: the Study of religions: Christianity) & Paper 2A Non-Textual studies.