God and the Big Bang Project

Last week we welcomed into school a team from the God and the Big Bang project. They worked with almost 100 year 10 students over a day with workshops exploring questions around medicine, climate change and curiosity and how we think. The level of response from students was stunning as they explored these ideas at an amazing depth and explored the interface between science and faith. It was oracy in action and as one student put it ‘we learned how religion really does tie in with some of the greatest issues in today’s society.’

This was a great day to get students thinking and talking about some of the bigger issues we don’t always have time for and both underpins and develops our oracy focus. As one student said ‘The debates each centred around the respective topics and that meant that all of the parts were equally important and interesting.’ Another valued ‘The debate about climate change, because I got to listen to other people's opinions and saw how my opinions may have been related or different in some way.’
